Get a positive charge of energy by having a good laugh at the Improv Comedy Riga show.
Touching stories, funny situations and unpredictable twists - it's a completely improvised comedy!
Improv Comedy Riga shows have a changing lineup, which includes local improvisers and special guests from abroad.
This time Elīna Geida, Dita Nitiša, Valdis Sils, Kaspars Silavs and a special guest from Australia / Spain - Ella Galt will improvise on stage.
Entry from the age of 16. The show will be in English.
Organizē: Improv Comedy Riga
Līdzīgi pasākumi
Gandrīz draugi - improvizācijas vakars 02.02
Mūzikas un Drāmas Telpa "OratoriO", Sporta 2 kvartāls.
€ 20.00